Trainee Workshops
The International Proteolysis Society is dedicated to training the next generation of protease scientists in core protease technologies. Prior to each meeting of the IPS, leading scientists from our community offer two workshops on cutting edge techniques.

2023 IPS Workshops at National University of Singapore

Hands-on Practical Enzyme Kinetics Workshop
Instructors: Cho Yeow Koh & Anthony O'Donoghue
TAILS Proteomics Substrate Discovery: Data Analysis
Ulrich auf dem Keller, Chris Overall, Konstantinos Kalogeropoulos
​Determination of three-dimensional structures of proteins and their complexes
​Jayaraman Sivaraman & Choong Yeu Khai
Full descriptions of these workshops are available in the 2023 Quickcuts

Volunteer to host a Workshop at the next IPS
If you would like to share a technique at our next IPS Meeting, please let us know!