IPS Related Meetings
Stay up-to-date on the latest developments in proteolysis research by attending related meetings and conferences. Below is a list of upcoming events related to the field (click links for the meeting's website). We encourage you to attend and participate to network with fellow researchers, discuss new findings, and learn more about the exciting developments in proteolysis. We look forward to seeing you at these events!
18-23 February 2024
Ventura, CA, USA
The theme of the 2024 Plasminogen Activation and Extracellular Proteolysis GRC will be Cutting-Edge Research, Emerging Therapeutics, and Clinical Outcomes. The focus of this GRC will be on extracellular proteolysis, mediated by plasminogen and its activators, matrix metalloproteases (MMPs), and other extracellular proteases, that operates at the interface of cell-cell, cell-fluid, and cell-matrix contacts.

28 February - 03 March 2024

Tiers, Italy
Founded by Hans Fritz and Vito Turk more than three decades ago, the Winter School continues to provide a scientifically stimulating and personally outstandingly open atmosphere to researchers on proteolytic enzymes. The splendid spirit of the Winter School in Tiers attracts scientists from Europe and worldwide, covering diverse and vibrant fields of protease research, such as mechanistic studies on proteases in their molecular, cellular and organismic context. Participate and enjoy this unique event!
13-16 May 2024
Kloster Seeon (east of Munich), Germany
​The overall goal of the meeting is to discuss outstanding new scientific findings and exciting new developments regarding the function, regulation and therapeutic potential of proteolysis at the membrane. The meeting covers basic and applied science as well as translation to patients and brings together around 120 young and established scientists from academia, pharma, biotech and medicine.

09 - 14 June 2024
Lucca, Italy
The Proteolytic Enzymes and Their Inhibitors GRC is a premier, international scientific conference focused on advancing the frontiers of science through the presentation of cutting-edge and unpublished research, prioritizing time for discussion after each talk and fostering informal interactions among scientists of all career stages.

14 - 18 September 2024
This workshop aims at addressing current issues, progress, and expansion taking place in the field of proteases, protein inhibitors and their mechanisms of control under physiological and pathological conditions. Several sections will be devoted to tutoring and mentoring activities, which are crucial for the information and knowledge exchange among senior scientists and early career researchers.
FEBS and IUBMB offer travel awards for PhD students and young postdocs who are members of a FEBS constituent society. Additionally a IUBMB travel award will be given to an overseas young scientist.